Friday, July 23, 2010

I'm So Bad, Don't Tell!

For reasons I may never know, I ALWAYS get compliments on how great my skin is! (For the record, I get blemishes on both of my cheeks, my skin sometimes has no balance between dry and oily and I have little freckles everywhere!) Honestly, as much as I am trying, I don't take THAT GOOD of care with my skin. Here are some things that I can admit to doing that have a negative effect on your skin:

Falling asleep with my makeup on - BIG NO NO! Sometimes when I get off work I immediately crash thinking "I'm so tired I don't care if I get a pimple" and then when I get one I scream! LOL It only takes 2 minutes to wash your makeup off. Leaving it on over night clogs your pores and pimples can develop. 

(My kind of pantry!)
Eating all of the wrong food (i.e junk food, fast food) - Your diet plays an essential role in the appearance of your skin. I LOVE Cheetos, the Flamin' Hot kind! I've been addicted to them since I was a child, I don't ever see them not being in my life! I also love fast food, cookies, ice cream, and anything else that you can think of! I've tried eating right and it went well for a few months and then I got lazy with the routine. I need a health coach!

Exfoliating more than twice a week - Exfoliate more than twice a week can strip your skin of its natural oils. I exfoliate every other day if not everyday. If I don't my face develops a layer of dirt and small bumps that are not nice. Knowing that too much exfoliating is not good, I make sure I use one that is very light and gentle, such as the Soy Face Exfoliant by Fresh $42,

So the first step to any problem/addiction is admitting it right!? Well the next step is to improve on these things, which I for sure will! I have already gotten better at washing my makeup off every night! :)


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