Friday, January 22, 2010

My Favorite Beauty Tips!

Of my many favorite ways to get beautiful, here are 10!
  1. Apply a clear coat of polish before using a heavy color such as red to reduce staining.
  2. ALWAYS wash your makeup off before bed.
  3. Try using a henna hair dye, they are the safest and natural way to color your hair.
  4. Wash your pillow cases once a week to get rid of all the dirt and oils that could pile onto your skin and cause pimples.
  5. Add a little baking soda to your toothbrush to get a whiter brighter smile.
  6. Don't burst your pimples! Wash them and use a spot treatment, then cover them with makeup until they go away. Popping them will only make it worse!
  7. Deep condition your hair once a week for a healthier and shinier mane!
  8. Wash your hair brushes once a week to get rid of the dirt and bacteria that forms on them.
  9. Wash your makeup brushes twice a month.
  10. To get soft and smooth lips, gently rub lips for a minute with a damp cloth before applying lipstick.


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