Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!! 2010 Is Here!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Can you believe it's twothousandandten?? Where does the time go?! How did you guys ring in the new year? I had every intention on staying in the house, mainly because I'm not a clubbing person. A friend of mine, at the last minute, was like "let's go out!" So I did...and I drank...and I'm not a drinker. To make a long story short, I did NOT ring in the new year on the good foot. I had a GREAT time until those drinks set in, oh man! May be no big deal to everyone else, but when I let myself down I feel like I let people around me down too. But at least I have 364 more days to get 2010 to make up for my first mishap of the year! *As you can see in the picture, I was 'feeling it'...*

What are some of your new year resolutions? I want to hear them! Here are a few of mine!
  1. To become even closer with God!
  2. To become even closer with MYSELF, and putting 100% more efforts into my making my dreams come true!!
  3. Be more giving, doing more charity and volunteer work!
  4. Overall being a better person!
Yes I have four resolutions, but I think they are fairly easy to keep if I truly focus on them!! May 2010 bring nothing but things for you all!

I'll leave you guys with my motto for 2010. A friend of mine posted this quote to her facebook and I immediately fell in love with it!

"In 2009 I was walking INTO my purpose, in 2010 I will be walking IN my purpose according to HIS will!"
Find your purpose and and run with it! :)


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