Monday, September 7, 2009

Finish Control!

For my hair I don't use too much hairspray. I'm more of a oil sheen kind of gal because if i don't have oils in my hair it gets very dry, brittle and unpretty! Most oil sheens I use have the same sort of scent: light, airy, with a hint of some kind natural oil such as jojoba or tea tree. I've recently tried using an actual hairspray and not sheen. It's by Jonathan Product and it's called Finish Control High Shine Flexible hairspray. The first time I sprayed it I was very pleased because it smells so good. The scent has hints of cucumber and rose water, I could picture this scent being a fragrance. Since I'm not used to hairspray I did not like the fact that this product made my hair some what hard like what spritz does to your hair. I like my hair to be soft and silky, not hard and stale. My hair is not very good with holding curls either and even with this holding spray my curls still managed to fall before I even left the house. I still may use this product on top of my oil sheens but not by itself. I will not be re-purchasing this either, it retails for $30, my oil sheen retails for $8. Jonathan offers a whole line of products but since this is the first of his that I've tried I'm not interested in the others. Here is his website to check the other products.


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