If you were stranded on a deserted island and you could only bring one beauty product, what would it be? My answer to this would be mascara, I couldn't live without mascara! In my opinion mascara is the single cosmetic product that could change your whole look. When I apply my makeup mascara is always the last thing I put on because I love seeing the dramatic difference it makes in my look. A mascara that I have been using for a while now is the Bad Gal line of mascaras from Benefit. I use both the Bad Gal Lash (black) and the Bad Gal Blue. They also have Bad Gal Plum. It gives my lashes length and volume. Bad Gal Blue makes my eyes 'pop' even more since it has color. Great product and even better price: $19 for a 0.30oz tube! Check it out!
I agree...mascara is def a staple cosmetic :)
have you ever heard of a brand called Kiss My Face? its all natural and AWESOME! http://www.kissmyface.com/
my sister swears by this mascara. Must be worth the buzz!
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