Interracial dating...we see it all the time, it's nothing new. As of late, I have been getting pretty annoyed at people's ignorant opinions of why a certain person chooses to be with someone of a different race. I strongly believe that there is absolutely nothing wrong with dating outside of your race...I also believe that by doing so does NOT mean that you have issues with the males/females of your own race that would make you look elsewhere. To think that for so many years that it was taboo and against the law to date outside of your race and now we have the right to date whoever we so choose and people still take second looks in disbelief is beyond me.
I my self am not too much of a dater in the first place, but I welcome all races to have a shot at my heart! I have never actually dated anyone outside of my race but this Caucasian guy that I did want to be with said that he couldn't be with me because his family wouldn't approve, figures. Whenever I have those dreams of me being married with kids, my husband is almost never the same race as I am. I don't there is anything wrong with that. As long as I am treated well and I truly believe that I want to spend the rest of my life with this person, I don't care if he's purple!
People look too much into interracial couples. How many times have you heard "He's with that black girl because he wants a freak," or "She's with that white man because she want a rich man who will take care of her."? For every case of an interracial couple do you really think that those are the reasons behind them? Not at all.
Actor Brian White (widely known from his role in Stomp the Yard) recently married his longtime girlfriend Paula da Silva who is not black. Boy did bitter black women across the states have a fit over this! When I saw the wedding photos my first thought was, "Oh wow they look cute together!" However, the thoughts of MANY black women was "Had to go get a white girl didn't he?" I even seen a woman on twitter who said that she now has to unfollow him because of his decision, saying that "It's a damn shame!" It's a damn shame that he married a beautiful woman who he is CLEARLY in love with? I don't get it.
They look beautiful together
Living in a world where I can choose from thousands of different races of people that I could be with, why should we limit ourselves to just "our race?" Love is an art, whether you find that art in your race or a different one, be with who makes YOU happy! At the end of the day you are the one who has to look that person in the eyes...not society!
My other favorite interracial couples!
Gabe and Halle (they are no longer but dang I loved them!)
Robin Thicke and Paula Patton
I am in love with these two! David Bowe and the beautiful Iman!